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1st time shooting Kodak Ektachrome 100

It seems fitting that my first blog post happens to be about my first time shooting Kodak’s Ektachrome film. Shooting 35mm film is nothing new to me, but this was the first time trying my luck with color-positive film (aka slide film) opposed to the more conventional color-negative film.

You don’t need to understand the technicalities to recognize the apparent difference between these two types of film (specifically because if you were to hold both up to a light, the color-positive film presents a small but vividly recognizable transparent image… in contrast to the color-negative photo which would appear as an opaque, obscure, dull picture). Only after the scanning/printing process does the color-negative photo appear as the scene it was intended to capture. Slide film isn’t cheap (~$10-13 per roll of 36 shots) but it certainly does offer a distinguished look from the perspective of a photographer who’s shot color-negative film for 5 years.

My strategy was to meter for the highlights to avoid overexposing the brighter areas of the image.

This film is balanced for daylight (~5,600k) so I focused on avoiding artificial light. Ektakrome is an iso 100 speed film and is relatively unsensitive to light, so shooting this roll inside wasn't much of an option. Further, with 0° weather it took an especially long time to finish shooting.

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